Meet Swish and his young friends! They talk about stuttering, dealing with teasing, what helps, and how to teach others about stuttering.
Cartoon animation and real children come together to help other kids who stutter in this lively and engaging 12-minute film.
Produced by Lisa A. Scott, Ph.D., The Florida State University and Carroll Guitar, M.L.S., University of Vermont; with footage provided by Bill Murphy, M.A., Purdue University and Kristin Chmela, M.A., Northwestern University, in collaboration with Lee Caggiano, M.A., private practice, Joe Donaher, Ph.D., Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and Jane Fraser, Stuttering Foundation of America.
Animation by the Computer Graphics Technology Department of Purdue University, with special thanks to Dr. Mark Bannatyne, Michelle Jackson, Helen Kang, Ali Modara, and Rich Sun.
Conoce a Swish y sus amigos jovenes! Ellos hablan como lidiar con la burla y como ensenar a otros sobre la tartamudez. La animacion de cartones y ninos verdaderos que vienen a unirse ayudar a otros ninos que tartamudean unidos en este entretenido video de 12 minutos.
Stuttering Foundation agradece a May International Productions y la terapeuta del habla Lisette Betancourt, M.A., CCC-SLP y Miami Children's Hospital sus contribuciones de trabajo que permetieron convertir este projecto en realidad.
12 minutos
English and Spanish on this one DVD.
In the role of the school speech pathologist, I used this powerful film as part of an in class (4th & 5th grade) interactive presentation which incorporated student collaboration to increase stuttering knowledge and awareness as well as individual differences and bullying. The response was electric and quite revealing. I highly recommend it. ( It was pre and post approved by the dysfluent students in the classes).