This 2+ hour (128 minutes) DVD demonstrates speech management strategies tohelp you work effectively with children and adults who stutter.
Chapters include:
- Exploring talking and stuttering;
- Identification
- Explore stuttering
- Explore change
- Tools for change
- Soft starts
- Changing rate
- Voluntary stuttering
- Holding and tolerating the moment ofstuttering
- Pullouts
- Cancellations
Dynamic demonstration of stuttering therapytechniques by experts from around the world:
Ali Biggart, BA (Hons), MSc, Michael Palin Centre forStammering Children, London; Jane Fry, MSc (psych. Couns.), PGDip, CT (Oxford), Reg MRCSLT, Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children, London; Willie Botterill, MSc, MRCSLT, Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children, London; Frances Cook, MSc,MRCSLT (Hons), Cert CT (Oxford), Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children, London; Barry Guitar, Ph.D., University of Vermont; Alison Nicholas, MSc, MRCSLT, Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children, London;Peter Ramig, Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder; Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., University of Iowa. Additional footage provided by June Campbell, M.A., private practice.
Produced by Carroll Guitar, M.L.S., University ofVermont, in collaboration with Jane Fraser, president of the StutteringFoundation of America. Video production by Bob O'Brien, Video Design Productions, Inc.,Lake Zurich, IL. English material captured by Luke Jeans.
ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at